Based on these data, I see that infrastructure development has been improved and developed, because there is an increase in the number of infrastructure in rural areas such as roads, bridges, school buildings, and health facilities.
However, whether or not all of this is effective depends also on the extent to which the government can also involve community participation and the quality of the village head in managing these village funds. Based on the data on the slide, it shows that the percentage of government and community development is 4% and 9%. This of course makes a big question mark. What is it? .
In my opinion, although there are tangible results from program implementation such as the construction of basic infrastructure in many villages, it can be said that there are cases of misuse of village funds by village heads which show that there are still serious problems in the governance of program implementation and accountability. This is also due to the ineffective participation of the village community in implementing the program. In addition, this can also be caused by the inability of the community to support the weak village government in managing village funds properly, resulting in ineffective program implementation and uncontrolled corruption.
In this regard, there is a strong correlation between the level of competence and community education and the effectiveness of community participation. This is also due to the level of community knowledge in the policy-making process and program implementation but also the quality of the policies made and program outcomes that have an impact on the community.
The Village Fund Program can be carried out effectively and efficiently and obtain better results through community participation, and the Government of Indonesia should focus its efforts on increasing community capacity to participate in program implementation either through formal or informal education or increasing the role of Non-Governmental Organizations in community empowerment.
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