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Indonesia its position and SDG's contribution

Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in Southeast Asia with a population of 273.87 million as of December 31, 2021, according to data obtained from the Directorate General of Population and Civil Registration (Dukcapil) of the Ministry of Home Affairs. In addition, Indonesia also has the largest number of Muslim communities in the world, namely 237.53 million people as of December 31, 2021. This number is equivalent to 86.9% of the country's population of 273.32 million people. Not only that, Indonesia is a country that has abundant natural resources, ranging from forest, sea, oil, natural gas and coal wealth. Based on data from Worldometers, Indonesia is ranked as the 15th largest or largest country in the world. 

The area of ​​Indonesia is 1,904,569 Km² and the land area is 1,811,570 Km². Its area is about 1.2 percent of the world's land area. With a large area with abundant natural resources, and a large population, Indonesia can play an important role in the eyes of the world. Based on data obtained from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Indonesia's economy cumulatively throughout 2021 managed to grow positively reaching 3.69 percent, or better than 2020 which experienced a contraction of 2.07 percent. Indonesia's economy in 2021 grew by 3.69 percent. , higher than the achievement in 2020 which experienced a growth contraction of 2.07 percent. At this level, it is considered to have progressed as a developing country like Indonesia which can no longer be underestimated.

Indonesia is a large country with promising economic potential and opportunities. Indonesia has the potential of natural resources that can be an opportunity to advance the economy. Human resources are also abundant which can be potential as well as create market opportunities that can move the economy. Apart from relying on natural resources, Indonesia's growth is also supported by large domestic consumption.

Indonesia in the global position

Indonesia is a country that contains great economic potential; a potential that has not gone unnotified to part of the global community. For this reason, Indonesia has played an active role in the global position, one of which is by participating in the G20 conference. At the conference, the G20 stands for the Group of Twenty. The G20 itself is a multilateral cooperation forum consisting of 19 countries and one economic area, the European Union. Indonesia shows its big role in the G20 conference which must be the motor of ecosystem development that encourages collaboration. “Recover Together, Recover Stronger” so as to encourage inclusive, people-centered, environmentally friendly and sustainable growth.

Indonesia in the regional position

The role of Indonesia regionally, Indonesia as a state of Southeast Asia, can be said to be a driver or trigger of the Asian tiger economy. Here, Indonesia can play role in encouraging regional economic growth by collaborating with countries in the Southeast Asian region.

Indonesia in the local position

Domestically, the role of Indonesia, as a large multi-cultural nation with various nationalities, religions and cultures, Indonesia can be an example for other nations, especially in Southeast Asia and its surroundings. Various issues in the world, especially race, continue to roll but for Indonesia, which has a diverse society, will always uphold the value of unity and integrity.

How does the SDGs contribute to Indonesia's role in the highly dynamic multilateral setting?

The SDGs certainly contribute to development in Indonesia. As the definition of the SDGs itself is wise development for the community is sustainable development. Sustainable development is development that aims to improve the quality of life of people around the world, both from present and future generations, without exploiting the use of natural resources that exceed the capacity and carrying capacity of the earth. This goal can be achieved through four elements of sustainable development goals: (1) Economic growth and equity; (2) Social development; (3) Conservation of natural resources (environmental protection); (4) Good governance (good governance). These four elements support each other, creating related and sustainable development goals.

The existence of these SDGs certainly has an impact on Indonesia's development in the future, which is parallel to what is the vision of Indonesia 2045, namely the government's steps in building Indonesia to become a World Megatrend which is increasingly full of very tight competition. The government in realizing this has built the pillars of the vision of Indonesia 2045 as a reference material for realizing the ideals of the nation in order to realize a sovereign, independent, and personality Indonesia that is the reference for every step the government takes in running the wheels of government.

The vision of Indonesia 2045 is the achievement of dreams and the vision of Indonesia 2045 is built with 4 pillars based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution as the basis of the nation, state and constitution. The 4 (four) Pillars of Indonesia's 2045 Vision are:

1. Human Development and Mastery of Science and Technology

2. Sustainable Economic Development

3. Equitable Development

4. Consolidating National Resilience and Governance

Goal of 4 (four) Pillars of Indonesia

1. Protect all Indonesian people and all Indonesian bloodshed

2. Promote the general welfare

3. Educate the life of the nation

4. Implement world order based on freedom, eternal peace, and social justice.

With the vision of Indonesia 2045 in the future, Indonesia and other nations in the world can work or collaborate together in finalizing multilateral cooperation that can build the pillars of the nation's vision and advance Indonesia's human development.


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