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Inequality of Development in Depok City as a “Smart City” West Java.

Optimizing Depok as a "smart city" is an effort by the Depok city government to make the city of Depok more advanced in managing potential resources. In addition, this is carried out as a driving force for the performance of Depok City government services. The Depok Smart program is a real solution in answering social problems in Depok City. The concept of “smart city” was originally implemented in developed countries and has become increasingly popular in Asia and has become an ASEAN initiative. The concept of "smart city" development has been initiated in various cities and regions in Indonesia. However, in reality, Depok City is still growing with innovations that can solve social problems in an integrated manner with strategies and policies that are supported by the community, community, academics and business actors.

Keywords: Depok Smart City, Urban Planning Policy, Development Inequality, Urban Planning Management.

“In great cities, spaces as well as places are designed and built: walking, witnessing, being in public, are as much part of the design and purpose as is being inside to eat, sleep, make shoes or love or music. The word citizen has to do with cities, and the ideal city is organized around citizenship -- around participation in public life.”

― Rebecca Solnit, Wanderlust: A History of Walking


1. Inequality of development that occurs in Depok City has caused many social problems and une-ven development in the community. Among them, waste problems, urban spatial planning, traffic jams, education, poverty, unemployment and health. This requires many solutions to be solved. On the other hand, the conditions with this problem are inversely proportional to the efforts of the Depok City Government which are actively promoting Depok as a Smart City or 'Smart City'. As echoed by the Depok City Gov-ernment, Smart City is a city that manages all po-tential resources effectively and efficiently in solving challenges and various needs through integrated, integrated and sustainable manage-ment of innovation.

2. Inequality development in Depok City has caused public complaints, which is the city development always centered in Margonda City, Beji District, Depok. These include infrastructure develop-ment in the form of roads, improvement of the function of city facilities and infrastructure as well as economic and business facilities. It is noted by the Depok City Public Works and Spatial Planning Service (DPUPR), that they are still working on infrastructure development with a focus on 19 road project points and bridge construction. This is done to anticipate traffic congestion in Depok City. In addition, it is noted that the Depok City Government has revitalized Jalan Margonda Raya seven times over the last 10 years.

3. There is no policy that focuses on centralized development in each area of Depok City by optimizing the existing potential and resources. The centralized policies will cause many gaps that occur in other areas in Depok City. Problems with one another have various characteristics in solving them. So far, the problems of road infrastructure development in Depok City have been identified based on the dynamics that occur. The city of Depok, at the age of 21, still has to improve and innovate in order to increase development, especially the unintegrated development in several areas  in Depok has been optimized.

--To be continued-------------


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