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Part III - Inequality of Development in Depok City as a “Smart City” West Java.


The Smart City concept is a city (or an area) that is developed and managed by implementing sustainable innovations that pay attention to the balance of economic, social and environmental.

In developing the city towards a 'Smart City', there are six pillars to build a smart city, namely smart governance, smart society, smart living, smart economy, smart environment, and smart branding. All six pillars are explained in more detail through the Cohen diagram (Guidelines for Creating a Smart City According to the Cohen Diagram, 2017), namely:


1. Smart economy includes international events, development and research, as well as startup development.

2. Smart governance is related to the openness and ease of access to government data by the public, the availability of internet facilities (wi-fi), and human resources in urban areas.

3. Smart people/society, which are related to this pillar, namely education, community integration.

4. Smart living, related to a healthy environment, community security, and guaranteed happiness, and    the ratio of income inequality.

5. Smart mobility, related to transportation used by the community, should use environmentally friendly energy, use public transportation, and timeliness of transportation access.

6. Smart environment, this pillar is related to green open space per capita, carbon footprint, and wise waste management.



  However, in reality implementing the concept of a city with the idea of ​​a 'smart city' is not as eeasy as turning the palm of the hand. There are various challenges in implementing the smart city concept in an area. One of the challenges is that local governments are stuck in routines, where the government still has not or does not set aside APBD for smart cities. Furthermore, there are still many assumptions that this smart city is related to ICT projects, which should be a work culture change project that requires a large enough budget. The capacity of existing technical human resources is also still low. In addition, unequal infrastructure is also a challenge in implementing smart cities. Finally, there are still many regional leaders who are less committed.


By applying the smart city concept, there are several advantages for the area. According to Stephen Ezell as Vice President of Global Innovation Policy Information


Technology and Innovation Foundation, there are five uses of the smart city concept, namely:


1.   Creating better livable city planning and development in the future.

2.   Increase regional productivity or economic competitiveness;

3.   Making the economic system more efficient and integrated;

4.  Creating environmentally friendly houses and buildings and using renewable energy sources

5.   Improving the welfare of the people in the region.


The city of Bandung, West Java, is an example of a city that has successfully implemented the smart city concept. This city managed to rank in the top 50 in the ranks of the world's Smart City Government obtained from the results of a study by the Eden Strategy Institute Singapore (Indonesia's Smartest, Bandung City Enters the World's Top 50 Smart Cities, 2021). Bandung is successful in implementing this because there is a role for the city government as the main driver.


The application of the smart city concept in an area can be one solution in overcoming the problems that exist in urban areas. The existence of this concept is not only focused on efforts to improve technology and information, but also improvements from various aspects. Therefore, with the smart city concept, development and development in an area can be carried out effectively and efficiently both for the community, government, and the environment. This also requires a commitment from the city government as policy makers and the community as involved parties to work together to support the implementation of the smart city concept in their area.



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