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Part IV - Inequality of Development in Depok City as a “Smart City” West Java.


For the Depok 'Smart City' case, inequality in regional development is in the spotlight. One of the concerns of the public at this time is that the government is considered to have created a development gap in Depok with the 'Margonda-Centrist' paradigm. The people of Depok often open various suggestions for negotiations with the local government through complaints submitted both in the media and the Depok City government portal, so that this inequality issue needs further attention and focus. It is known that Margonda City, which is located in Beji District, Depok, is one of the cities that is used as a business and education center. With an area of 14.56 KM, Beji City is relatively small compared to other areas, some of which are larger than the Beji area. However, in Margonda, Beji, Depok, it was recorded that around 24.96% of the development of trade and service activities was concentrated in the downtown axis on Jalan Margonda Raya in the form of wholesale and retail trade which became the second largest contributor to the total regional economy. The existence of this inequality has shifted one of the 'Smart City' concepts, one of which is Smart Living, which is related to a healthy environment, community security, guaranteed happiness, and the ratio of income inequality. It will be the duty of the Depok city government to continue to improve in implementing Depok City to become a city that has sustainable development for its people.


As an expert explained about why smart city is important?

Smart Cities are in particular focusing on the implementation of new technologies with the purpose to tackle urban challenges like climate change, urban competitiveness and other problems of sustainable development. During the last years the ways of collecting data, of computing and using big data and of communicating evidence had been improved significantly. Smart Cities show a wide range of new technical facilities and services which are the outcome of specific concepts of innovation and urban planning approaches.

With respect to urban transformation processes coping with mentioned challenges, technical innovations are important. They enable the realization of energy efficiency, reduction of energy use or mitigation of emissions. At the same time technically-driven transformation processes in mobility conditions and communication are supporting the attractivity of cities. Smart cities very often claim to provide a ‘better life’ and sustainable development. In front of these developments it becomes obvious that technical innovations play a crucial role but at the same time we can assume a mutual relation with specific approaches of urban planning beyond such transformation processes.

The main objective of this contribution is to elaborate these different concepts of innovation and the corresponding role of urban planning. Based on a short description of the technical core of a Smart City which enables a more comprehensive data collecting, a more precise analysis of bigger and better integrated data sets and a faster communication, three different forms of innovation and their mutual relation with planning approaches are elaborated.


POLICY RECOMMENDATION 1. The importance of the Depok city government to focus on the development of education and business policies with the extensification of the potential of each Depok area. 2. Make a policy of equitable distribution of infrastructure that is spread throughout the city of Depok along with the potential of each region. 3. Opening a forum of negotiation with the regional heads/ key leaders of each Depok City, in this case at the camat level, to provide various proposals for the potential extensification program of the region, both geographically and human resources.



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