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 a) Introduction of e-budgeting as bureaucracy reform in Indonesia.

Along with the rapid development of the world of technology and information today, the government and state public service officers must be able to read and balance these dynamics flexibly and adaptively. It is undeniable, the current era of digital transformation is a phenomenon that demands various innovations. One of them is innovation in the field of bureaucratic reform within the Indonesian government. Bureaucratic reform in this era will certainly face many challenges, namely the readiness of human resources (HR) of the State Civil Apparatus as an actor in the public service itself. While on the other hand is related to the system contained in the bureaucratic structure. "In essence, Bureaucratic Reform is an effort to make fundamental reforms and changes to the system of governance, especially regarding aspects of institutions (organizations), management (business processes) and human resources of the civil servants".  This quote uploaded through the website of the Ministry of Administrative Reform and State Apparatus Empowerment has explained the importance of the human resource aspect of the state apparatus as a determining aspect of success in implementing bureaucratic reform.

According to Dewandaru Sigit (2013: 332)  Bureaucratic reform is one of the government's efforts to achieve good governance. Seeing the experience of a number of countries shows that bureaucratic reform is the first step to achieve the progress of a country. In addition, according to sources downloaded from the site , the notion of Bureaucratic Reform is one of the efforts to achieve good governance and carry out reforms and fundamental changes to the system of governance, especially regarding aspects of governance. -institutional (organizational), management and human resources aspects of the state apparatus. Through bureaucratic reform, an effective and efficient government administration system is arranged and becomes the backbone in changing the life of the nation and state.

The purpose of bureaucratic reform is to create a professional government bureaucracy with characteristics, integrated, high-performance, free and clean of KKN, capable of serving the public, neutral, prosperous, dedicated, and upholding the basic values and code of ethics of the state apparatus.In order to accelerate the achievement of the results of the area of bureaucratic reform, 9 (nine) Bureaucratic Reform Acceleration Programs have been established. The acceleration program is used by all government agencies to support the implementation of bureaucratic reform in their respective agencies, both Ministries, Institutions and Local Governments. 9 The program for accelerating bureaucratic reform is as follows: 

1. Structuring the Government Organizational Structure

2. Structuring the Number and Distribution of Civil Servants

3. Development of an Open Selection and Promotion System

4. Increasing the Professionalization of Civil Servants

5. Development of an integrated Electronic Government System

6. Public Service Improvement

7. Improved Apparatus Performance Integrity and Accountability

8. Improving the Welfare of Civil Servants

9. Improved Apparatus Expenditure Efficiency

Referring to point number 6, the relationship with public services in Indonesia is about the Whole of Government (WoG) approach to the implementation of the e-government system. This system was created to facilitate the process of public administration governance services using integrated information technology.

---------to be continued..................


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