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        I.           AI is a computer system (machine) that has human-like intelligence. In this case, AI is capable of learning (acquiring information and rules for using information), reasoning (using rules to reach conclusions), and self-correcting independently.

In simple terms, AI is a computer system that can imitate human thinking in completing a job.
Currently, the most common examples of AI applications are in the latest technology products or services, research, consumer behavior analysis for companies, detecting fraud, market projections or sales forecasts, monitoring security on the internet and IT, and automating work.
Qlue is a social media-based application to report city problems to the government, the private sector or share information with fellow residents in the surrounding environment. Reports from residents who enter through the Qlue application will be forwarded to related parties and their progress can still be monitored in the Qlue application or on the dashboard. (Restu Rahmawati, Firman, 2017). The Qlue application is one of the products from PT. Qlue Performa Indonesia which helps the people of Jakarta to make reports or complaints that they want to convey to the central government or the government in the area where they live through the Qlue mobile application. By using the Qlue application, community activities in reporting to the government can take place more easily, so that people do not need to queue to report, besides that the public can also see developments in the area where they live because Qlue is a social media-based mobile application that allows fellow citizens can see what is posted by the community.





Established in 2016, Qlue work side by side with Jakarta Government in implementing the first Smart City concept in Indonesia. In the 4-years cooperation with Jakarta Government, the province and its citizens have seen tangible results, such as reducing potential flood points by 94%, improving government performance by 61.4%, and increasing public trust to the government by 47%. As a result of these achievements, Qlue received multiple awards, including Finalists of Startup World Cup, Supporter of SDGs No.16 by JCIM, Global Smart City Contest winner by World Smart City Organization in London, and the Best M-Government Service Award from the World Government Summit in Dubai (2019).

Today, Qlue is trusted by more than 50 clients from government, disaster relief organizations, satellite city, companies in various industries, private companies, and government agencies in Indonesia. Headquartered in Jakarta, Qlue have two other offices located in BSD Tangerang and Bali. Qlue recruits the best talent from all over the country to provide the best solutions and services to help our business partners achieve their business objectives.

----to be continued------


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