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         I.            Introduction of QLUE Application
a)    Brief History of DKI Jakarta
Jakarta is the name of the capital city of the Republic of Indonesia. DKI Jakarta Province is divided into five administrative cities and one administrative district, namely: Central Jakarta Administrative City with an area of ​​47.90 km2, North Jakarta with an area of ​​142.20 km2, West Jakarta with an area of ​​126.15 km2, South Jakarta with an area of ​​145 ,73 km2, East Jakarta with an area of ​​187.73 km2, and the Thousand Islands Administrative District with an area of ​​11.81 km2. To the north stretches a 35 km long beach which is the estuary of 13 rivers and two canals. In the south and east it is bordered by Depok City, Bogor Regency, Bekasi City and Bekasi Regency, to the west by Tangerang City and Tangerang Regency, and to the north by the Java Sea.
With the area of ​​DKI Jakarta, of course, in every era DKI Jakarta as a satellite city with high mobility will face many problems. Jakarta as the nation's capital in Indonesia is a city with multiple problems it faces. One of them is social problems that occur in various lines of community and state life. And these social problems are not limited to environmental issues but are also related to urban spatial planning, and other social impacts such as high levels of heavy traffic jams, and so on. This requires serious attention by the government, especially the DKI Jakarta government in tackling the complexities of social problems that have lived with its people for years. There needs to be a collaboration between the government and the community and their stakeholders in overcoming this problem together. With this constructive collaboration, it is hoped that the government will find appropriate solutions in dealing with social problems that occur in DKI Jakarta. Social problems that occur in DKI Jakarta must be responded to by the DKI Jakarta Government quickly, effectively and efficiently so that the complexity of social problems that occur can be minimized or resolved properly by the government and other related parties or government stakeholders.
The presence of the QLUE Application is a positive solution that can assist the government in overcoming the dynamics of social problems in the capital city of Jakarta effectively and efficiently. This application is present as a technological innovation that has a social impact on society. This is because this application is a medium for monitoring and involving the public and government stakeholders in dealing with social problems in DKI Jakarta. Moreover, with the development of the technology world which is increasingly sophisticated and advanced and supported by human resources through the creativity of young Indonesians in the field of technology, QLUE is increasingly making QLUE a worthy innovation as the government's long-term collaborator in solving social problems in DKI Jakarta. QLUE is one of the technological products based on the sophistication of artificial intelligence or known as AI.

To be continued


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