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 II.                Main Argument

1. Why is the role of women still minimal in climate change that is gender-equal?
2. Why is there no policy that supports the role of women in climate change that is gender-equal?
Hadith of the Prophet SAW: Women are the pillars of the state, good women in a country will also have a good effect on the country, but if there is damage to women, the country will also be damaged. Women are assets and role models for every family, community, nation and state. Without the presence of a woman with noble character, there is no superior generation in this world. Women are figures who can print generations of each nation with various uniqueness and intelligence. The school of life begins with a female figure, therefore every woman has a major contribution and role in the nation and state.
With this role and contribution, women should have the opportunity to advance and develop according to their potential. Women deserve to have a pool that is a place where they can develop to achieve their version of success. For this reason, various efforts to empower women (woman empowerment) and other women empowerment programs are being mobilized throughout the world. Without exception, Indonesia is now starting to open up to women's equality in work and achievement in all areas of life. There are opportunities for women to have equality in life, so many women equality initiators around the world and Indonesia are actively promoting and mobilizing women through communities and social organizations. Woman empowerment in gender equality is carried out in the form of constructive programs for women, such as mentoring, training or workshops on self-development or their competencies and soft-skills that can be useful for the future.
How important is the women's empowerment program in carrying out the true meaning of gender equality in the world. As for what we need to know about the definition of gender equality from experts, such as on the website of Kemenpppa RI (Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection of the Republic of Indonesia)[1]. which states that gender equality is one of our human rights as human beings. The right to live with dignity, freedom from fear and freedom to make life choices is not only intended for men, women also have the same rights in essence. In addition, the same thing regarding gender equality was also conveyed by Sasongko, who stated that:
Gender equality and justice is a condition where the portion and social cycle of women and men are equal, balanced and harmonious. Gender equality seeks how men and women have the opportunity to realize their rights and potential to contribute to political, economic, social and cultural development, and can equally enjoy the results of that development.[2]
Forms of justice and gender equality can be done in the following ways:[3]
1.      Accept and consider the differences between men and women fairly, because there is respect for differences, including a form of gender inequality.
2.      Discuss how to overhaul the structure of society that distinguishes the roles and relations between men and women, as well as in the form of balancing them.
3.      Researching the capabilities and talents of each citizen, both male and female, to be involved in community development, solving its problems and preparing for its future.
4.      Continuously fight for human rights, where gender is an inseparable part.
5.      To strive for the development and enforcement of democracy and good governance in all social institutions, by involving women at all levels.
6.      Education is the key to gender justice, because education is a place where people transfer their norms, knowledge, and abilities.



III.                 Theory or Conceptual Policy Framework

a.        Definition of Gender Equality from various expert perspectives




 To be continued.......................

[2] Sasongko, Sundari S. 2009. Konsep dan Teori Gender. Jakarta: BKKBN.

[3] Sasongko, Sundari S. 2009. Konsep dan Teori Gender. Jakarta: BKKBN.


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