In the explanation above about gender equality, I will also explain the definition of gender itself, according to experts, one of which is According to Mufidah (2008),[1] gender is the differentiation of roles, functions and responsibilities between women and men resulting from gender equality. socio-cultural construction and can change according to the times. In addition, there are other experts who argue that according to Mosse (2007)[2], gender includes appearance, clothing, attitudes, personality, working inside and outside the household, sexuality, family responsibilities, and so on.
Gender equality is an interesting issue and is currently being developed in the world, so that gender equality is included in the fifth discussion point in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) program.
Gender equality is one of the fifth points in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Program, because gender equality is a major and important problem for a development goal that has its own value for a nation. The existence of gender equality will be able to strengthen the country's ability to develop, reduce poverty and run the government effectively. Thus promoting gender equality is a major part of a development strategy in order to empower communities (everyone)-women and men-to lift themselves out of poverty and improve their standard of living.
SDG's (Sustainable Development Goals or sustainable development goals are the agenda contained in the document:[4] Transforming our Word: The 2030 agenda for sustainable development, agreed at a summit at the United Nations on 25-27 November 2015. United Nations countries including Indonesia have signed an agreement This is as evidence of its commitment to implementing the SDGs. It is hoped that all countries and stakeholders will join together in global partnership action in overcoming poverty through transformative and sustainable steps for the preservation of the planet. The sustainable development framework complements what has not been achieved from the development goals millennium (Millennium Development Goals/MDGs) which ended in 2015. Each item of these goals upholds human rights (HAM) and is to achieve gender equality and empower women both young and old.
Indonesia is a unitary state with the largest area in Southeast Asia with a very large and wide area of sea and land. According to data obtained from the learning resources of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) which states the total area of Indonesia is 5,193,250 km2 with details of the land area of 1,919,440 km2 while the ocean area is about 3,273,810 [5]km2. With a large area, Indonesia has a lot of potential for natural and human resources that are very large to continue to take part and become great in the international world. This of course, in the future, will make the Indonesian nation more advanced and respected by other nations. If we look at the potential of Indonesia's human resources, in this case the role of women. Of course, there will be many opportunities and works that can be produced to contribute to this country. Women in Indonesia actually have multiple roles other than domestic or household roles that are always attached to every woman. This is marked by the presence of women in the fields of agriculture/agrarian, education, trade, business and so on. In the field of agriculture, not a few women are part of it, including their role as workers on agricultural land or commodities in various lands in the provinces in Indonesia. This condition will certainly have an impact when climate change occurs in Indonesia. Climate change has an impact on various issues in the world. And Indonesia, is a country with a lot of potential with the impact of this climate change. Moreover, it is related to gender equality, where many women are currently directly or indirectly affected by these trends. As we know, the definition of climate change itself is a change in the physical conditions of the earth's atmosphere, including temperature and distribution of rainfall which has a wide impact on various sectors of human life (Ministry of the Environment, 2001).[6] In addition, according to several sources and experts who put forward the definition of climate change are as follows:[7]
Based on Law no. 31 of 2009 concerning Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics, climate change is a change in climate caused, directly or indirectly, by human activities that cause changes in the composition of the global atmosphere and changes in natural climate variability observed in comparable time periods.[8]
The Directorate General of Climate Change Control explained that climate change is a significant change in climate, air temperature and rainfall ranging from decades to millions of years. Climate change occurs due to increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide gas and other gases in the atmosphere that cause the greenhouse gas effect.[9]
Gender equality and Sustainable Development Goals.
Gender Inequality and Climate Change Issues in
[1] Mufidah. 2008. Psikologi
Keluarga Islam Berwawasan Gender. Malang: UIN Malang Press.
[2] Mosse, Julia Cleves. 2007. Gender
& Pembangunan. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
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