a) The extent to which e-budgeting in the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and Central Java City Government is realized with the digital platforms apbd.go.id and https://grms.jatengprov.go.id/?
Particularly, e-budgeting function to minimize the potential corruption of APBD in each province. And one that has been implemented by the provincial governments of Central Java and DKI Jakarta is the right step in minimizing the potential for corruption among local governments. Both systems have their advantages and disadvantages. For example, in the past there was a lot of polemic in assessing the substance and function of the https://apbd.jakarta.go.id/ page, this was caused by many factors, one of which was from the elite government actors themselves, namely when the Governor was in office and manage the page.
As I will say, related to the polemic that occurred, the public and government observers compared what had happened on the smart e-budgeting page during the administration of Basuki Tjahja Purnama and Anies Baswedan. One of the debates is the existence of a system that is too complex with various components in the preparation of the budget. Governor Basuki Tjahja Purnama at that time created a detail with the aim that every fund disbursed by the government in a work program was clearly allocated. Meanwhile, on the other hand, when Governor Anies Baswedan revealed about the old e-budgeting platform page, there were many shortcomings that had to be reformed, including the grouping of components for the preparation of each budget in each government work program. Anies Baswedan initiated the current smart e-budgeting page, according to him, it is the most ideal. This information could be searched in online media too.
On the Government Management System page belonging to the Central Java government, many benefits and advantages can be felt in planning up to the administration of activities carried out by the Central Java Provincial Government in order to support all government activities including:
1) Regional device operating system (OPD), all proposals when they enter Bappeda will be accessed, then if one party or another takes actions outside their authority, it will be recorded automatically, so that it will be easy to track the system in case of abuse of authority .
2) With an integrated system on the GMRS website, all government performance activities including budget planning and implementation activities will be visible or transparently accessible to the public. In addition, the level of accuracy is maintained between the comparison of the budgeting of all activities or activities between OPD and each other is the same. For example, the procurement of vehicles, if the type and specifications of the vehicle are entered, the nominal will be immediately visible and accessible to the public.
3) There is a “single data system” system that is integrated by Diskominfo as the information and documentation management officer (PPID).
b) Theory:
1. The concept of e-government
a) Bureaucratic Reform Theory
According to Dewandaru Sigit (2013: 332) Bureaucratic reform is one of the government's efforts to achieve good governance. Seeing the experience of a number of countries shows that bureaucratic reform is the first step to achieve the progress of a country. In addition, according to sources downloaded from the site http://org.kapuaskab.go.id/reformasi-burokrasi/, the notion of Bureaucratic Reform is one of the efforts to achieve good governance and carry out reforms and fundamental changes to the system of governance, especially regarding aspects of governance. -institutional (organizational), management and human resources aspects of the state apparatus. Through bureaucratic reform, there is an arrangement for an effective and efficient government administration system and becomes the backbone in changing the life of the nation and state.
The purpose of bureaucratic reform is to create a professional government bureaucracy with characteristics, integrated, high performance, free and clean of KKN, capable of serving the public, neutral, prosperous, dedicated, and upholding the basic values and code of ethics of the state apparatus.
In order to accelerate the achievement of the results of the area of bureaucratic reform, 9 (nine) Bureaucratic Reform Acceleration Programs have been established. The acceleration program is used by all government agencies to support the implementation of bureaucratic reform in their respective agencies, both Ministries, Institutions and Local Governments. 9 The program for accelerating bureaucratic reform is as follows:
1. Structuring the Government Organizational Structure
2. Structuring the Number and Distribution of Civil Servants
3. Development of an Open Selection and Promotion System
4. Increasing the Professionalization of Civil Servants
5. Development of an integrated Electronic Government System
6. Public Service Improvement
7. Improved Apparatus Performance Integrity and Accountability
8. Improving the Welfare of Civil Servants
9. Improved Apparatus Expenditure Efficiency
Referring to point number 6, the relationship with public services in Indonesia is about the Whole of Government (WoG) approach to the implementation of the e-government system. This system was created to facilitate the process of public administration governance services using integrated information technology.
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