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Reframing Public Finance: Promoting Justice, Democracy and Human Right in Government Budgets

 I think the concept put forward by Paolo de Renzio and Lakin's paper, 2019 is a good concept and can be recommended for improving public finance practices and government budgets in Indonesia. As stated by Paolo de Renzio and Jason Lakin, in recommending the stages in the management of public finance practices and advanced government budgets in a country, the following are discussed: (1) fiscal reform and tax equity, (2) allocation and expenditure. resource; 3) service delivery and performance; and 4) deficit, debt, and financing. The four discussions, of course, for the Indonesian context are challenges that require the Indonesian government's hard efforts because at each point of the discussion, Indonesia still needs improvements, in this case fiscal reforms that can touch all lines in the government bureaucratic system. I support this with several statements that put forwarded by the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, Sri Mulyani Indrawati regarding the governance of public finance practices and the Indonesian government's budgetmanagement , as follows:
1.     The Minister of Finance explained that the government's budget will focus on strengthening the quality of human resources, accelerating infrastructure development, bureaucratic and regulatory reform, and supporting industrial revitalization by encouraging green economic development.
2.     Fiscal policy in 2023 will also increase the effectiveness of economic transformation supported by fiscal reforms. This reform was carried out through the mobilization of revenues for the widening of fiscal space, the consistent implementation of improving the quality of spending or spending better in an efficient and effective manner, as well as continuing to encourage the development of creative and innovative financing.
3.     The Minister of Finance explained that the state revenue policy is directed to encourage revenue optimization by maintaining the investment climate and the sustainability of the business world as well as environmental sustainability. This is pursued by maintaining the effectiveness of the implementation of tax reform through the Law on Harmonization of Tax Regulations (UU HPP), encouraging a healthier and fairer taxation system and encouraging the expansion of the tax base and increasing taxpayer compliance.
From the above points put forwarded by the Ministry of Finance, it can be concluded that, in fact, Indonesia in 2023 will lead to many improvements in public financial management and government budgets. One of them is in the second point regarding the explanation of the 2023 fiscal policy reforms that will certainly be carried out by Indonesia in the context of the effectiveness of economic transformation and supported by the mobilization of income for the widening of fiscal space. At this point, it is actually very inline with what was conveyed by De Renzio and Lakin's 2019 writing, which explains that in tax reform, tax policy and revenue collection is one of the areas where fairness considerations are very important. how? citizens' state taxes - through direct or indirect taxation, view personal and corporate income, wealth vs. consumption, etc. – determine how the burden of financing public spending is distributed. In this area, it is important to look at the progress of the overall tax system, or whether proportionally asking for more of it is better in terms of income and wealth.


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