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Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2022

Inequality ...Part II

Depok City is Depok, starting from a sub-district located in the Kewedanaan (Assistant Regent) area of ​​Parung, Bogor Regency, then in 1976 housing began to be built both by Perum Perumnas and developers, which was followed by the construction of the University of Indonesia (UI) campus, as well as increased trade. and services that are rapidly increasing so that the speed of service is needed. In 1981 the Government established the Administrative City of Depok based on Government Regulation Number 43 of 1981 which was inaugurated on March 18, 1982 by the Minister of Home Affairs (H. Amir Machmud) consisting of 3 (three) Districts and 17 (seventeen) Villages, namely: Pancoran Mas sub-district, consisting of 6 (six) villages, namely Depok Village, Depok Jaya Village, Pancoram Mas Village, Mampang Village, Rangapan Jaya Village, Rangapan Jaya Baru Village. Beji District, consists of 5 (five) villages, namely: Beji Village, Kemiri Muka Village, Pondok Cina Village, Tanah Baru Village, ...

Inequality of Development in Depok City as a “Smart City” West Java.

Optimizing Depok as a "smart city" is an effort by the Depok city government to make the city of Depok more advanced in managing potential resources. In addition, this is carried out as a driving force for the performance of Depok City government services. The Depok Smart program is a real solution in answering social problems in Depok City. The concept of “smart city” was originally implemented in developed countries and has become increasingly popular in Asia and has become an ASEAN initiative. The concept of "smart city" development has been initiated in various cities and regions in Indonesia. However, in reality, Depok City is still growing with innovations that can solve social problems in an integrated manner with strategies and policies that are supported by the community, community, academics and business actors. Keywords: Depok Smart City, Urban Planning Policy, Development Inequality, Urban Planning Management. “In great cities, spaces as well as places a...

Indonesia its position and SDG's contribution

Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in Southeast Asia with a population of 273.87 million as of December 31, 2021, according to data obtained from the Directorate General of Population and Civil Registration (Dukcapil) of the Ministry of Home Affairs. In addition, Indonesia also has the largest number of Muslim communities in the world, namely 237.53 million people as of December 31, 2021. This number is equivalent to 86.9% of the country's population of 273.32 million people. Not only that, Indonesia is a country that has abundant natural resources, ranging from forest, sea, oil, natural gas and coal wealth. Based on data from Worldometers, Indonesia is ranked as the 15th largest or largest country in the world.  The area of ​​Indonesia is 1,904,569 Km² and the land area is 1,811,570 Km². Its area is about 1.2 percent of the world's land area. With a large area with abundant natural resources, and a large population, Indonesia can play an important role in the eyes o...

Indonesia's strategic position in the global, regional and local levels

Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in Southeast Asia with a population of 273.87 million as of December 31, 2021, according to data obtained from the Directorate General of Population and Civil Registration (Dukcapil) of the Ministry of Home Affairs. In addition, Indonesia also has the largest number of Muslim communities in the world, namely 237.53 million people as of December 31, 2021. This number is equivalent to 86.9% of the country's population of 273.32 million people. Not only that, Indonesia is a country that has abundant natural resources, ranging from forest, sea, oil, natural gas and coal wealth. Based on data from Worldometers, Indonesia is ranked as the 15th largest or largest country in the world.  The area of Indonesia is 1,904,569 Km² and the land area is 1,811,570 Km². Its area is about 1.2 percent of the world's land area. With a large area with abundant natural resources, and a large population, Indonesia can play an important role in the eyes of ...

Rabu aktif nan produktif

Hari ini, hari yang sangat luar biasa karena saya harus memberikan webinar kepada dua ratus orang lebih mahasiswa Perguruan Tinggi Swasta di Sumater Selatan. Seminar online yang saya bawakan tadi merupakan program tahunan yang diselenggarakan oleh PTS tersebut dan juga sebagai prasyarat kelulusan serta bekal menghadapi kompetisi didunia kerja dan industri 4.0. Dalam webinar saya ini, sebagian besar pesertanya adalah mahasiswa. Dimasa seperti saat ini, dibutuhkan kecapakan dan ketangkasan dalam menghadapi berbagai dinamika kehidupan dengan segala ketidakpastian. That's why, sebagai pendidik, mahasiswa  putra putri terbaik bangsa haris dibekali dengan kemampuan pelatihan  Soft- Hard Skill tebarik. Sebelum kita beranjak pada bahasan selanjutnya. Tentunya kita bisa gali terlebih dahulu tentang, apa pengertian dari soft skills. Kemampuan ini terlihat tapi bisa dirasakan.  Seperti kejujuran, integritas, dan lain sebagainya. Pada pelatihan dan workshop ini diselenggarakan agar p...

State Budget Allocation (APBN) of Indonesian Health Expenditure and Its Implications for Community Welfare, Hospitals and Health Workers in Indonesia.

  However, it is hoped that this will be a challenge of the government and the synergy of all parties. So at this time Indonesia is in a dilemma, will Indonesia prioritize the economy or health? because if one of these choices is eliminated it will harm both. Therefore, Indonesia needs careful planning and repositioning priorities in development. The following is data related to the realization of the health budget starting from 2017 - 2020, an average growth of 22.5 percent per year, from Rp. 57,225.1 billion in 2017 to Rp. 105,088.5 billion in 2020. In addition, the growth in the realization of the health budget is also influenced by the high allocation of government spending for various needs for handling the Covid-19 pandemic, namely for payment of patient care costs, incentives for health workers or health workers, as well as the procurement of Medical Devices (Alkes) and Infrastructure (Sarpras). If referring to the increase in the health budget of that size, is there a ratio...

State Budget Allocation (APBN) of Indonesian Health Expenditure and Its Implications for Community Welfare, Hospitals and Health Workers in Indonesia.

 As an example and a comparison in the past few years, there are several countries that are recorded to have higher health expenditures than Indonesia. Among them are Malaysia and Singapore, as support for Singapore's per-capita health expenditure data, for example, which was recorded at US$2,144 in 2011 and US$2,426 in 2012.  This data can be compared with Indonesia's health expenditure recorded in the World bank organization which shows, Indonesia's health expenditure (per-capita health expenditure) in 2011 was only US$99, and increased to US$108 in 2012. In addition, there are several countries with the best hospital services like Europe. The country has the best health facilities supported by advanced medical equipment, technology and health workers who are experts and competent. Then the problem is, how should the condition of Indonesia's health budget have implications for progress, growth and development and bring about changes to the welfare of the Indonesian pe...

State Budget Allocation (APBN) of Indonesian Health Expenditure and Its Implications for Community Welfare, Hospitals and Health Workers in Indonesia.

 Introduction/ Background Health is an invaluable asset for people all over the world. Without good health and health services there can be no prosperity. Health is the heart of all human life because without good health, it will be difficult for every human being to carry out their daily activities. A healthy nation is a nation that has people with healthy and strong bodies. For this reason, health has an important role in the life of society, nation and state. As stated in the following Law, namely Health Law no. 36 of 2009 which states that: Everyone is obliged to respect the rights of others in an effort to obtain a healthy environment, whether physical, biological, or social. Everyone is obliged to behave in a healthy life to realize, maintain, and promote the highest possible health. Health is a symbol of the prosperity of society in a nation. In concept, health is part of the main aspects of human life as a whole. As the WHO definition of Health is the concept of "health...

Bicara Kesehatan di Indonesia

 Kesehatan merupakan aset yang tidak ternilai harganya bagi umat manusia di seluruh dunia. Tanpa kesehatan dan layanan kesehatan yang baik maka tidak akan ada kesejahteraan. Kesehatan merupakan jantung kehidupan semua manusia karena tanpa kesehatan yang baik, maka setiap manusia akan sulit dalam melaksanakan aktivitasnya sehari-hari. Bangsa yang sehat adalah bangsa yang memiliki rakyat dengan raga yang sehat dan kuat. Untuk itu, kesehatan memiliki peranan penting dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara. Sebagaimana yang tertuang dalam UU berikut ini, yaitu UU Kesehatan No. 36 tahun 2009 yang menyatakan bahwa: Setiap orang berkewajiban menghormati hak orang lain dalam upaya memperoleh lingkungan yang sehat, baik fisik, biologi, maupun sosial. Setiap orang berkewajiban berperilaku hidup sehat untuk mewujudkan, mempertahankan, dan memajukan kesehatan yang setinggi-tingginya. Kesehatan merupakan lambang kemakmuran  masyarakat disuatu bangsa. Pada konsepnya, kesehata...